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Chapter 5: Reversed–phase High–performance Liquid Chromatography—References

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Further Reading

Frenz J., Hancock W.S., and Henzel W.J. 1990. Reversed phase chromatography in analytical biotechnology of proteins. In HPLC of biological macromolecules: Methods and applications (ed. K.M. Gooding and F.E. Regnier), pp. 145–177. Marcel Dekker, New York.

Hearn M.T.W. 1998. High-resolution reversed-phase chromatography. In Protein purification: Principles, high-resolution methods, and applications, 2nd edition (ed. J.-C. Janson and L. Rydén), pp. 239–282. Wiley-Liss, New York.

Mant C.T. and Hodges R.S., eds. 1991. High-performance liquid chromatography of peptides and proteins: Separation, analysis, and conformation. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.


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